
Papa Penny Ahee: Green with Envy

09 February 2017
Papa Penny's long luscious locks are hair goals!
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Any woman will tell you how much time, effort, money and sometimes prayer goes into growing a head of thick, beautiful hair. Women visit hair blogs, experiment with new products that promise length and volume, and share notes on how to conquer their crowns. There are oils of every kind and price, shampoos and conditioners that claim to have magical powers. Women sacrifice to the hair gods, but seldom are they blessed with the man of their dreams.

Papa Penny, on the other hand, sports the most enviable locks on Mzansi screens. He's never seen without his characteristic braided updo, but last night, he let viewers see what goes into creating the art piece that is his hair, as well as what it looks like when left free to blow in the wind. We don't want to say the women of Mzansi were jealous, but well...

Now, now, ladies. It'll be alright. Perhaps Papa Penny can be persuaded to host a seminar and give away all his hair-care tips. No doubt it would be packed to the rafters. Ahee!